Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Well here we are

Right now...
Im in my NEW hometown..
and i love it. Its loud...bustling
a lot like me...
But it was only a trip...
So im ready to go home
i miss my friends...I wanna hang out with them for my last summer
before college...
Anyway:Seriously digging the look of dreadlocs....
Seriously thinking about changing gears and trying em'
I dont care what you say
Theyre prolly gonna look good on me...

Wish me something...
Ari Vee

Monday, September 29, 2008

The REcap...


it had been a little over a month since i have been away at school...


Its such a great city, chicago is...

So much inspiration everywhere i look!
no i dont get inspired by the graffiti..it already been done,
Though i do love it

But in the things that you dont even think about
The lack of grass, the psycho birds
........the homeless people tha ask you for a blank check...
Yeah i know, has strange

But there is so much here to just look at.

i have made a few friends that might stick around for a while
Isnt colege the place that you make life long friends, tho i shouldnt talk about it becasuse i dont want to jinx anything(Knock on wood)

This place is a mecca for artistry, all kinds
and it a comfortable enviroment to learn and grow creatively

Maybe that why im still here.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Well Hey There!

It seems that I am easily manipulated by people I love.
A friend of mine has on of these lovely things, and i just had the BEST TIME READING IT!
Shortly after, I wanted to have someone read my brain vomit too.

I just moved to chicago....for school
I have been gone for five days and it had been great!
Such freedom, never thought it would be this much fun!
...and this expensive.

I OFFICIALLY have to budget like a mother
after paying for books and coheed tickets, (that were vital I add because I call them my favorite band though i have never seen them live) I am broke....

But I'll get better at this whole thing right?
yeah i will,
Change is good!

wish me somthing,